Friday, July 5, 2024

World wide exhibitions of new tapestries

A new series of tapestries I've created entitled Plastic Oceans will be shown at the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum in Almonte, Ontario Canada from July 20 - September 28 2024 as part of a group tapestry show featuring eight other tapestry weavers from across Canada. 

Opening Reception: July 20   13h - 16h. (1pm - 4pm)

I hope I will have the pleasure of seeing you then. If not, then perhaps you can visit during the coming months. 

The World in Pieces has been selected to be part of Heallreaf V, three exhibitions in the UK. I will be in attendance at the closing of the last exhibition ceremony on the last day, April 6 2025. 

Heallreaf 5
Weston Park, Shropshire, UK
June 29 - August 29 2024

Heallreaf 5
Morley Gallery, London, UK
December 10 - 20, 2024

Heallreaf 5
Farfield Mill, Cumbria, UK
January 8 - April 6, 2025

My most recent tapestry, Heart Strings, will be exhibited in Bogota Columbia

THROUGH LIFE / a través de la Vida
Casa Lleras
Biblioteca Museo Carlos Lleras Restrepo
Bogata, Columbia
Vernissage: October 23 2024
exhibition continues until December 6 2024

The Fate, Destiny and Self Determination installation will be exhibited in Guimaeres Portugal as part of Contextile 2024, thanks to Adrian Landry and Laurie Beland, part of the Biennial International de lin du Portneuf (BILP) who partner with Contextile. The dates of its exhibition fall exactly ten years after its first exhibition at Craft Ontario in Toronto, thanks to the efforts of Janna Hiemstra. 636 people from 44 countries have submitted 1064 pieces to the installation so far, and it continues to grow. 

Opening reception: September 7 2024. The exact location is yet to be announced. Please check their WEBSITE  for further details.