Linda Needles brought in a copy of the Alliston Herald, dated Augsut 16 2011. Maija Hoggett wrote up an article in the paper about our Community Threads project. She captured the essence of the activities going on. I don't know if you can read the article but a hard copy will be made available by the Nottawasaga Handweavers and Spinners. I'll also attach an email version that will be forwarded to everyone so that they can print out their own version if they want.
I also forgot to mention that Pam Wilson stopped by to visit us yesterday and enquired about the Community Threads project. She is in charge of the catering at the Gibson Centre. Her email if you need to have an event catered is
Have I mispelled any names? If so please let me know. I do have dyslexia so words and writing is more challenging.
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