Thursday, June 6, 2013

Fate, Destiny and Self Determination is shaping up

Ellen Allas
Ellen will be heading out in October to go to Peru and will study weaving with Maximo Laura.
We're winding down our efforts and taking a summer break. That only means that there won't be any weaving done on the international tapestry project located at the Toronto Weaving School. We'll resume that effort around mid-September.
From bottom to top: Judite Vagners, Cheryl Raymond and Joan MacKenzie
Cheryl and Joan are members of the Etobicoke Guild of Weavers and Spinners and joined us at the Toronto Weaving School to work on the international tapestry project, Fate, Destiny and Self Determination. Judite Vagners, herself now an accomplished (tapestry) weaver joins them in the weaving.
Meanwhile, that doesn't mean that the project has come to a standstill. Shapes are coming in every week, as well as new participants. There will be other tapestry events, people and viewings that I'll look forward to sharing with you in the weeks to come.
Shape received by Christine Pradel-Lien from Angers, France. She recently had an exhibition of her tapestries there. Go to this site to see more of her work:

Shape received by Katie Russell from Scotland , UK. You can see more of her work at

Shapes made by Mai Liis Toome, who will be joining Ellen Allas in Peru to study tapestry with Maximo Laura in October. Note the textures that were created, inspired by a workshop taken earlier in the year.

JacQueline Kellor attended the Alberta College of Art and Design in Canada and  is from Saskatchewan and now living in Alberta. She created this very textural shape for the project. You can see more of her work at

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