The push is on to finish this portion of the tapestry installation for December 2, 2013.
Barb Hilts came by last week to contribute to the international tapestry project. She is a very talented silk painter who teaches the techniques on Tuesdays through the Toronto District School Board. She has been doing silk painting for many years and is very knowledgeable about it. To know more about her, her work and classes go to:
From Chile originally, Juana Sleizer, like many tapestry weavers, has been doing this a long time. She also came by last week to help contribute to the international tapestry project, Fate, Destiny and Self-Determination. You can learn more about her work at
Kate Kitchen and Mimma Draga seem a little cheered by weaving the bright colours of the international tapestry project. Kate continues to be a registrant at the Toronto Weaving School and creates tapestries and handwoven scarves.
Elizabeth Evans and Susan Middleton who you've seen in previous posts, came in this week and we enjoyed having them join us.
Pam Hutley sent this shape from Australia. She writes: "The logo in the tapestry is a representation of the Brigalow tree, Acacia harpophylla. This tree grew in thick shrubs in the area I grew up and lived in, Queensland Australia." You can see more of her work at About the colour Dorothy Cloews wrote a while back: On looking up Royal blue I found this information-
'Royal blue describes both a bright shade and a dark shade of azure blue.
It is said to have been invented by millers in Rode, Somerset, a consortium
of which won a competition to make a dress for the British queen, Charlotte
of Mecklenburg-Strelitz.[3]
Traditionally, dictionaries define royal blue as a deep to dark blue, often
with a purple or faint reddish tinge.
By the 1950s, many people began to think of royal blue as a brighter color,
and it is this brighter color that was chosen as the web color "royal blue"
(the web colors when they were formulated in 1987 were originally known as
the X11 colors, since the World Wide Web did not come into operation until
1991). The World Wide Web Consortium designated the keyword "royalblue" to
be this much brighter color, rather than the traditional darker version of
royal blue'
Who cannot resist going down these side trails
It is said to have been invented by millers in Rode, Somerset, a consortium
of which won a competition to make a dress for the British queen, Charlotte
of Mecklenburg-Strelitz.[3]
Traditionally, dictionaries define royal blue as a deep to dark blue, often
with a purple or faint reddish tinge.
By the 1950s, many people began to think of royal blue as a brighter color,
and it is this brighter color that was chosen as the web color "royal blue"
(the web colors when they were formulated in 1987 were originally known as
the X11 colors, since the World Wide Web did not come into operation until
1991). The World Wide Web Consortium designated the keyword "royalblue" to
be this much brighter color, rather than the traditional darker version of
royal blue'
Who cannot resist going down these side trails
DESTINY AND SELF DETERMINATION/le sort, le destin et l’auto-determination
91 received shapes as of
November 7 2013
Tricia Goldberg, California, USA
Therese Jarry, Blaison, France
Tayeoun Kim, Korea
Susan Middleton, Ontario, Canada
Stephanie Cantoni, West Australia
Stella Tang, Ontario Canada
Sofia Verna, Umbria, Italy
Sharon Smith, Ohio, USA
Pat Scholz, Australia,
Pam Hutley, Australia
Pam Hutley, Australia
Noella Kyser, Ontario
Myrna Lindstrom, BC, Canada
Michael F. Rohde, California, USA
Merna Strauch, California, USA
Melanie Siegel, Ontario, Canada
Maximo Laura, Peru
Mary Lane, Washington, USA
Thumette Brechard
Mai Liis
Toomes, Ontario, Canada
Madeleine Darling-Tung, Ontario Canada
Lemieux Berube, Quebec , Canada
Liv Pedersen, Alberta, Canada
Linda Maxwell, Nova Scotia Canada
Leonore Johnston, Ontario Canada
Krystyna Sadej
Kirsten Glasbrook, UK
Katie Russell, Scotland
Katia Wittock, Belgium
Kate Kitchen, Ontario Canada
Karen Piegorsch, Arizono, USA
Judy Kogan, Argentina
Judy Dominic, Ohio USA
Judite Vagners, Ontario, Canada
Juana Sleizer, Ontario Canada
JaQueline Keller, Saskatchewan, Canada
Janette Meetze, Oklahoma, USA
Janet Austin, Rhode Island, USA
Ixchel Suarez, Ontario, Canada
Francois Seguin, Ontario, Canada
Ewa Bartosz-Mazus, Poland
tapisserie, Marseille, France.
Duncan, BC, Canada
Dorothy Clews, Australia
Donna Wills, Ontario, Canada
Donna Kim, Ontario Canada
Chung-Ja Jackson, Ontario, Canada
Christine Pradel-Lien, France
Bernard Ossant, France
Bernadetta Nowak, Poland
Aruna Reddy, UK
Arlette Schulman, Ontario, Canada
Anton Venstra, Australia
Antje Goldflam, CT, USA
Agota Dolinay, Ontario, Canada
hola, deseo mandar obra a:libre determinacion.adonde se manda y adonde ma inscribo? gracias saludos mariana
bueno,si puedo enviar a futuro ,agradesco estar en este tejido virtual.saludos mariana.
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