Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A 'Propeller' of a Project

Tiffy Thompson from Propeller Ideas (  came to the Toronto Weaving School to interview me and learn more about the weaving classes. While she and Lyziane Cantin (the photographer) were there, Tiffy tried her hand at tapestry weaving and contributed to the international tapestry project, Fate, Destiny and Self Determination. Tiffy is working on a project that Propeller Ideas is hatching called Learn Buffet, which will be an online resource  for courses/teachers in Toronto. It will launch in May 2013  and to sample of what the kind of articles they will be featuring click on this link:

While students weave on their projects at the Toronto Weaving School, they take a break and weave on the international tapestry project.Above, Simona Comenscu, who has been attending classes here since Spring 2012.
Darlene Haywood above, never wove on tapestry until this project, and this is her second time she has felt inclined to weave on the international tapestry.
No one has been more surprised than I to see what a 'propellor' this project has been for igniting enthusisasm for tapestry and connecting people together, weavers and non weavers alike.
Shapes have been rolling in at a rapid rate and I have struggled to keep up with the flow. Forgive my amateur photography! Below some of the shapes that have come in the last several weeks.

Susan Middleton, from Toronto, Ontario Canada submitted these three: Fate, Destiny above, and Determination below!

Louise Lemieux Berube from Montreal, Quebec, Canada,  submitted this shape that was jacquard woven.
Judy Kagan from Buenos Aires Argentina wrote: I love your project, the title, the concept....can't wait to see your amazing creation with the 'global weavers'. She created the red shape above.
Sofia Verna, from Umbria Italy, felted and dyed wool from her sheep. She is the founder of the much beloved Ms Emma Designs in Toronto.
Antje Goldflam from New Haven, Connecticut USA created the shape above (tapestry woven) and the one below (fabric woven).
Ixchel Suarez, Oakville, Ontario Canada.
Stella Tang, Oakville Ontario Canada

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