Kate Kitechen and Debbie Harris
The launch for the international tapestry project was well attended inspite of snow storm warnings. In all, about 25 people participated. The tapestry installation generated a lot of excitement and enthusiasm for tapestry, after what seems to have been a dormant period. People went away inspired to create their own tapestries, or to want to learn tapestry, and the more experienced tapestry weavers welcomed being embraced by all the excitement.
Darlene Haywood and Michele Tse
Debbie Harris wrote me and said "What a wonderful event yesterday! It was good to see so many enthusiastic tapestry weavers. And it was good to see some people I have not seen for awhile. It gave us a chance to catch up. Weavers are such nice people! The piece is inspiring and I am looking forward to experimenting with my shapes. I have a number of ideas."
Judite Vagners and Barbara Aikman
Tapestry shapes are pouring in from all over the world and I've been having a hard time keeping on top of it all. The enthusiasm for the project has overwhelmed me and no one could be more surprised than I to find so many people willing to participate. Not to fear however. I will be documenting each piece as it comes in and posting it here as well as on my Facebook page for the project: Fate, Destiny and Self-Determination.
Top to bottom: Melanie Siegal, Susan Mellor and Donna Kim
Any one can come and weave on the tapestry at the Toronto Weaving School Mondays and Wednesdays between 10am and 9pm during scheduled classes. Monday March 25 will be the last winter session class. Spring session resumes for 8 weeks commencing April 3 and April 8. The school is closed statutory holidays.
Marion Kirkwood
Experienced tapestry weavers were helping the uninitiated learn tapestry techniques. Susan Middleton and Ixchel Suarez spent time showing those in attendance tapestry methods while I acted as photographer of the event, and checked in on my regular weaving classes, although I forwarned them that not much instruction would happen during the event.
Stella Tang and Ixchel Suarez
Susan Mellor
Others returned to the school after a long time away and we were oh so happy to see them.
Others in attendance that ended up not having a photograph taken of them were: Agota Dolinay, Jutta Polomski, Anne Vagi, Pat Phelan, Catherine Brackley and Brian Nicholson.
Linda Morgenstein
Susan Middleton
Thank you to all of you that came out to participate in this event, to those of you who brought food and beverages and flowers and for making it feel oh so special to be a tapestry weaver! I'm looking forward to seeing you all back here again weaving on the international tapestry project or other tapestry project available for you to weave on, or seeing you weave your own projects.
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