I'm very excited about being asked to set up a weaving studio in the centre of the One of a Kind Show this year. It will be really wonderful for weaving to be front row centre. They've asked for demonstrations throughout the 11 days. Many of my students and 'weaving class partipants' will be on hand to answer questions and demonstrate some basic techniques of fabric and tapestry weaving. I'm hoping it will not only inspire people to buy weaving made locally (especially in my booth W-07) but perhaps they will want to join us in taking some weaving classes through the Toronto District School Board -
http://www.learn4life.ca/. Classes start up again January 15 (Monday) and January 17 (Wednesday) 2011. Registration opens November 15 2010. To know more about the One of a Kind Show click on the link
http://www.oneofakindshow.com. There you can browse all the artists, artisans, and other show participants in their online catalogue.